Upcoming Events
Halfway Day Jan 22 | Traditionally, Willard has celebrated this day with students and staff dressing up as “half” and donating 50 cents (a 'half' dollar) to a local charity. We have seen many creative ideas including dressing up half for school and half for bed! Once again this year, the money will be going to the Open Table food pantry. Classroom teachers will collect donations.
Family Game Night Jan 23 | 6-7:30PM: We will play bingo from 6-7:30PM in the cafeteria (please bring your own blanket to sit on). Pizza and snacks will be available for purchase (please bring cash).
Willard Spelling Bee Friday, March 21 | Grades 3-5: groups of students, by grade level, work together to spell words correctly in timed events.
Willard Cultural Kaleidoscope | Sunday, April 6: Willard’s seventh annual celebration of history and cultures from Concord and around the world.
Family Math Night | Thursday April 10: Come one and all to an evening of fun and engaging math games for the whole family.
Willard Science Fair | Sunday, May 4: This event provides K-5 students the opportunity to experience the practices of science and engineering for themselves and to share their understanding with others.
Willard Spring Fling & Raffle | Sunday, May 18: A whole school celebration of the Willard community.
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